Want to Donate?
We are a nonprofit program and rely on donations and volunteers to make improvements to the ball park.
Want to play? Get in touch!
If you would like to join our league next season, sign up or contact us to find out more information.
Want to coach or volunteer? Let us know!
We are always looking for help at Winterview. If you'd like to coach, be an assistant or just help out around the park, sign up or contact us for more info.
Our Leagues Enjoy:
- Safe, Fun Environment for many ages
- No Traveling Required
- 7 Week Season Including Playoffs
- Team Equipment & Facilities Provided
Connect with us:
Welcome to Winterview Youth League
Winterview offers recreational leagues for both Coed Tee Ball and Girls Softball. It is also the home of North Ridge ladies softball. The summer softball season usually begins in May and ends in mid-July. Ball games are normally held on Mondays through Thursdays. Wednesday will be reserved for rain outs. We try to keep the weekends free for family time and for anyone wishing to play travel ball.
T-Ball is for boys and girls ages 4-6. The season usually begins in mid May.
Note: We will be needing volunteers throughout the year. Please do you part and help run this independently run, charitable organization.

With the help of the Julius W. Hegeler II Foundation, we were able to improve the park dramatically in 2022. This includes outfield drainage, laying all new infield conditioner, installing jox boxes to prevent injuries as well as holes in the batter’s boxes, repair and replace fencing, and replacing dilapidated light poles and energy draining lights with all new. Below are a few pictures to show the progress, the community support as kids helped pick up rocks to prepare for the improvements, and also the impact on the lives of children in our community.

2024 Board Members–
President – Taryn Owens
Assistant President - open
Softball Rep –Levi Poulson
Assistant Softball Rep – Abby Chandler
Umpire Rep – Mike Van Leer
Concession Stand - Kasi Anderson
Treasurer – Hope Garrett
Secretary – Carrie Konieckzi
Tee Ball – Heather Meredith-Fick
Equipment - Carrie Konieckzi
Buildings and Grounds – open
Fundraising/Marketing – Nick Fick
Volunteer Coordinator - Jessica Poulson